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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Whytemead Primary School

Meet Affi: Whytemead's therapy dog

We're pleased to introduce Affi, Whytemead's new therapy dog.

Affi is a Pets As Therapy (PAT) trained dog, specially trained to work in schools with children.  She comes in to school once a week with her owner, Mel. 

Whytemead's School Council had been asking Mr Waddington if the school could have a pet dog as they thought it would be fun to have a dog around school. And they were right!

Affi is able to spend time with any child across the school, sometimes to make them feel better about themselves or just to pet as they talk with an adult, or read a book.

Children who have spent time with Affi so far have all really enjoyed it, and say it makes them feel very calm.

If you'd like to be introduced to Affi, just ask Mr Waddington.

You can find out more about Pets As Therapy on their website.