Join the festive fun at this year's Christmas Fair
This year we are delighted to have our Christmas Fair (sponsored by the lovely Coast and Country Estate Agents) on Friday 1st December 2023!
We will have all the children’s favourite games like Hook the Duck, Hoopla and
Tin Can Alley. There will be a book stall (children's and adult books) and our wonderful candy floss machine!
For the grown-ups we will have the BBQ, the alcohol tombola, cakes and, of course, Whytemead’s famous raffle!
Non-uniform/donation dates to remember:
- Friday 17th November – alcohol/jars filled with sweets
- Friday 24th November – luxury hamper items
- Friday 1st December – cake donations
These donations are in exchange for students wearing their home clothes for the day.
In addition we also have two dates for the collection of your preloved books (excellent condition only please!) - both children's books (all types) and adult fiction / novels. If you have lots to give or these dates are not convenient, please message Emily on 07719360496 / and we will arrange a collection:
- Monday 20th November
- Monday 27th November
Please note these are not home clothes dates.
Look out for the volunteer sign up boards by the green gates in the coming weeks. If you can spare 1/2 an hour and help out on one of our games, or to help set up a stall, we would be very grateful. We cannot run the Fair without parental support.
Please fill out and return the slip that came home with your child to the PTA postbox. If you do not have the slip, you can write a note to state how many strips you would like to purchase and fill in your child’s name and class, so they can be sent back to you in your child’s book bag.
Raffle tickets cost £1 per strip (strip of 5 tickets).
Our raffle is the largest attraction at the fair. We typically lots of huge and varied hampers available to win, brimming with pampering products, chocolates, alcohol, and other tasty treats! This year we also have a family voucher to Worthing Theatres' Christmas panto ‘Sleeping Beauty’.
If you own or work for a local business that would like to donate a prize to our raffle or have a stall at our Christmas Fair please get in touch at