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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Whytemead Primary School

Great result for the Year 3 & 4 gymnastics team!



Congratulations to the Whytemead Year 3 & 4 gymnastics team who came a brilliant 5th out of 10 teams, at their recent Rise Gymnastics event.

The team have been practising a variety of moves, including vaults, which they first started learning after attending a workshop in March. Their progress has been most impressive, which is down to the team's dedication and the encouragement of Mrs Andrew and parent volunteer Mrs Patrick.

As well as a choice of two vaults, the pupils had to select seven floor-based skills  varying from handstands, cartwheels, forward and backward rolls, different types of jumps, shoulder stands, arabesques and other balancing skills.

The team consisted of six members: Brooke, Ivy, Lillian, Maisie, Ralph, Romy, Summer and Will.