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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Whytemead Primary School

Medical Information

Policy of administering medication at school

  • If you wish us to give your child any medication, it can only be done if prescribed by a Doctor and in its original packaging.
  • Any medication will only be administered by Welfare and only if the correct Medical Form is completed.
  • Antibiotics can only be given if they are prescribed for 4 times a day.
  • Vomiting and Diarrhoea – if your child is suffering from either of these or both, they can only return to school 48 hours after the last episode. This is guidance issued by Public Health England which The Health Protection Agency is now part of.

Parental Consent to Administer Medication

A guide to all things medical

Not all illnesses require your child to take time off school, please see the list below for exclusion periods. If you need any more advice, please call the School Office on 01903 202639.

  • Chicken pox & shingles- stay off until all spots are scabbed over and dry.
  • Impetigo- stay away from school until lesions are crusted or healed.
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting- return to school 48 hours after the last episode
  • Flu- your child should return as soon as your child feels well enough.
  • Headlice - no time off required. Treat lice and send to school.
  • Conjuctivitis- no need to keep off once treatment has started.

When making dental, GP or optician appointments, please try to arrange them for out of school hours. Please be aware that an appointment during the school day does not require your child to miss the whole day at school. Other than in exceptional circumstances, it will be expected that your child returns to school following an appointment or comes in before the appointment.

If your child has a bump to the head during the school day, they will receive either a head bump sticker or note informing you of any treatment they have received and advice of any signs or symptoms to look out for at home. If our qualified first aiders think that the injury to your child is serious, the school will call home to inform you that you may need to seek further medical advice. For this reason, please always ensure that the school has the most up-to-date contact details for parents.

Is my child well enough attend school- NHS GUIDANCE

Guidance on Infection Control in Schools

Public Health Agency - Guidance on infection control in school