Daily Routine
Our compulsory school day runs from 8.45am to 3.15pm, making up a total of 32.5 hours each week.
Start of the day
The gates open at 8.35am for pupils to come onto school grounds.
Children should not arrive before this time as no supervision is available.
Children make their own way into their classrooms. All pupils should be in school by 8.45am for the start of the school day. Morning tasks ensure that children make a productive start to their learning from the very beginning of the day.
A daily assembly takes places for all pupils during the morning session, and there is a morning break at around 10.20am. We encourage children to eat healthy snacks at morning break This might be a piece of fruit, a snack of vegetables, or a savoury item such as cheese, breadsticks or crackers.
We do not allow sweets and chocolate as a breaktime snack.
End of the day
The school day ends at 3.15pm when children are dismissed via the exits into the main playground.
Parents are invited to wait on the playground to collect their children. For children up to Year 4, we ask that an adult is available to collect children every day. From Year 5, parents may choose to let their child walk home unaccompanied.
If you need to make changes to your child’s collection arrangements, please contact the school office with plenty of notice, and before 3pm at the latest.